Mykola Rudyk

A marathon runner who participated in many marathons in different parts of the world. His time on a 26.1 mile distance is 2:14! He was on Maidan from the fist…

Serhiy Kalanzhanov

With your help we provided $500 for the urgent surgery needed for Serhiy Kalanzhanov whose hand and fingers were severely injured during confrontations on Institutska Street on February 18th. Serhiy…

Artem Zapototskyi

With your help Nova Ukraine donated $500 for medical needs of Artem Zapototskyi who was shot by a sniper on Instytutska Street on February 20th. Bullet damaged his spine nerve…


After participating in the resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk,  an advocacy group realized the disastrous state of the issue. A decision was made to…

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