Nova Ukraine cooperates with savED for reconstruction Ukrainian schools

The war against Ukraine has also become a war against education. 216 schools in Ukraine have been completely destroyed and 391 are damaged, leaving more than 177,000 children with no access to education. To counter the devastating effects of this lack of access, Nova Ukraine supports the savED charity foundation of Ukraine whose goal is to preserve access to education during the war as well as after Ukraine’s victory.  

savED is an international charity foundation which was launched in Chernihiv and operates across all of Ukraine. 

Of the 34 schools in Chernihiv, 2 have been completely destroyed and 25 were heavily damaged. Of 52 kindergartens, 37 were damaged. 29,711 school aged children and 10,263 kindergarteners live in the city, and consequently many of these children are not able to continue their education. It will cost 80 million dollars to restore the education infrastructure in Chernihiv fully. 

The reconstruction of damaged schools and kindergartens, and the continued efforts to keep Ukrainian children safe, are the priorities of this partnership. Nova Ukraine and savEDwill focus on repairing schools and arranging shelters in schools and kindergartens. We will also strive to restore the concept of a school as a safe space where children can come to every morning, an idea which has unfortunately been lost as a consequence of this war. 

Our priorities within our partnership with savED are to:

  • Reconstruct and equip classrooms in Chernihiv schools (budget for 1 classroom ~ USD $45,000)
  • Arrange shelters in schools and kindergartens (budget for 1 shelter ~ USD $50,000)
  • Support the mental health of children and teachers.
  • Aid the professional development of school principals and teachers to equip them with tools to create a safe and comfortable environment in schools that will inspire children to learn.

If you want to know more about this project or support it financially, please go to the page.

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